Dear Peeps
Friday has swung around again at speed.
Rifling through my inspirational stash as I sat down in my meditation space this week, I found the following Hopi Elders prophecy/plea. The ‘eleventh hour’ that they talk about was over 20 years ago now and it feels like we’re in the time of disintegration of systems like health and finance. I hope this touches you as it touched and reminded me.
A Hopi Elder Speaks
“You have been telling people that this is the Eleventh Hour, now you must go back and tell the people that this is the Hour. And there are things to be considered…
Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?
Know your garden.
It is time to speak your truth.
Create your community.
Be good to each other.
And do not look outside yourself for your leader.”
Then he clasped his hands together, smiled, and said, “This could be a good time! There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly. Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water.
And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate. At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey come to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves! Banish the word ’struggle’ from your attitude and your vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.
We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”
--- attributed to an unnamed Hopi elder,
Oraibi, Arizona, Hopi Nation
June 8, 2000
This week on the health front, a friend told me about castor oils compresses for all sorts of conditions – joint pain, abdominal issues like kidney stones, IBS, warts, and other lumps and bumps. So, I’ve been watching the videos of Barbara O’Neill (an Ozzie naturopath). She has a wide range (on YouTube and Rumble) of teaching videos about compresses, poultices and herbs. I was very glad to be reminded of her. I spent a lot of the first lockdown watching her videos. Watch here:
One of my patients this week expressed interest in trying to feel the craniosacral rhythm (or tide as it is sometimes called) so we spent some time at the end of her session exploring this. Her homework: practice finding it.
This week I've been foraging seabeet, rose petals and elderflower for tea and salad.
Next week I will be moving my Monday Minute Meditation to my Friday Finale.
I wish you all glorious weekend. Enjoy your earth and all she has to offer.
Summer Blessings